ProSheets is a great free plugin by DiRoots that makes exporting to multiple formats much more straightforward.
An annoyance when exporting each sheet to CAD or other format is that the naming options are limited. With ProSheets, you can use an editor to add any parameters to the files’ names. In the example below, we set the project number, sheet number, date (which is automatically generated), and custom separators between the fields.
In addition to the custom file naming features, it is possible to export to mulltiple file formats at the same time. In the example below, you see we export to both PDF and DWG. By clicking on the image of each option, you can customize the export settings.
You can see the result below: PDF and DWGs created with a single click. The file names are also automatically generated.
In this example, we’ve used PDF and DWG, but it’s also possible to export to all these other formats: